As a business owner, you want to make sure you meet all the GDPR regulations, right? You want to have the ultimate control over your data streams, knowing where they come from and how they’re being used.
Data-tech and data management are closely linked. When a new data source is connected to a Smart Data Platform (data-tech), a new processing agreement must be set up with the data provider (data management). That process requires a Privacy Impact Assessment (data management). All data sets that you and your employees have access to for further processing, need approval from the designated people within your organization (data management).
'It's a rather complex process. And as a business owner you don’t want to spend too much time managing it. We’re happy to help setting up the process for you. We support and guide you trough a clear data governance & management strategy.’
- Noud, Data Engineer
Data are tools, not the main goal. It’s an asset and should be treated that way, just like your other capital. Data management is an organic process. It’s not static, but evolving and growing. Therefore, a data strategy doesn’t have to be complete immediately. After all, you get there while doing it, based on the right balance between technology and your business DNA.
- Job, Data Engineer
Organization vs. data strategy
Get and maintain control over your data and how you handle it. A proper structure provides clarity, so data governance is much needed. It keeps your data safe and secure.
As data technology and knowledge grows, so does the data self-sufficiency of your organization. The number of no- and low-code solutions for data applications is increasing, allowing any non-data-educated employee to work effectively with data. We call this "Data Citizenship. We embrace this evolution and we’re there to help our clients to stand on their own two feet.
Take small steps, while making big progress. Step-by-step development goes hand in hand with agility and flexibility. Give your people the opportunity to explore new data opportunities and embrace digital transformations.
In any successful data strategy, growth is the foundation. Artificial intelligence is often viewed as the holy grail. But in fact, it doesn’t need to be the end goal. Along the way, it’ll become clear where value can be added in a data strategy.
In the first place, it’s crucial to implement your datasets into a uniform system, which is consistent and solid across all levels of your business. It’s called the ‘Single Source of Truth'. Once that’s managed, new insights become viable. With the right datasets and a formalized, internal data structure, you can eventually work with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and prediction methods.
- Karim, Data Scientist
Step-by-step plan to a data-driven strategy
- Mark, Founder In2Intel
The data tech agency for organisations that aim to work smarter and apply their data strategically.
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